The LIFELESS body in the window

Adan Men
12 min readOct 10, 2022

I saw a lifeless body pressed up against an apartment window while driving home from work and I’m not too sure what to think of it. It was about a week ago, I was driving home on my usual route; me zoned out allowing my subconscious to guide me and it wasn’t until a red light stopped me, that’s when I saw it. There was mid-rise apartment complex on the corner of an intersection; an intersection I usually ignore but for some reason that day the red light took longer than usual; well it seemed to. My senses gradually returned to me after an hour of mind numbing driving, I let out a heavy exhale, me sitting there being impatient since I still had another 30 minutes ahead of me. So as I waited for the light to turn I started to look around, nothing seemed out of the ordinary people walking along the sidewalk carrying on with their day to day lives; boring I thought, so I started to look up. My eyes scanned each window, not really anticipating anything of excitement, my music blasting in the background, I could feel my thoughts beginning to wander once again that was until my eyes passed it, and it took my brain a few seconds to register what I just saw.

“Wait, what the hell” I said to myself.

My eyes quickly backtracked to the last window, I paused on it with utter confoundment; it couldn’t be what I thought it was; was it? I squinted my eyes trying get a better view…



Adan Men

If horror is your jam then my stories will have you on the edge of your seat, get ready to be enthralled into the world of the unexpected and unusual.