Member-only story
I’ve been living in Gray Hills all of my life, all 42 years of it, there’s nothing special about living here; just your typical small town. Yeah I’ve heard the rumors, outsiders say strange things happen here and to be honest I don’t see it, just silly people with their wild imaginations. Most folks know each other, everyone for the most part is friendly, hell I’ve been friends with the same guy’s since elementary, though every once and awhile some escape; move away to do better and bigger things. I use the word escape light heartedly, I don’t think anyone truly escapes from here, its more about a temporary relocation, your body might leave but you’re heart always belongs to Gray Hills; no matter how far you try to get away.
I had a buddy leave once, left on one of those football scholarships, ole Jake was one of a kind; tall and athletic. Honestly I thought the man was invincible and maybe he was, perhaps it was his mind that was weak. I figured when he left he would never come back; not bother to blink an eye for his once home, maybe he would be the one to never return, I mean why would he with such a promising career. It only took him 2 years to make it back, we poked at him for a few days, ‘joshing’ him every chance we got but it was clear Jake came back very different. Something was off about him, he no longer smiled, he didn’t care for much, we…