Horror Flash fiction — Insomnia

Adan Men
2 min readApr 21, 2023

I have the worst nightmares, in fact, I do my best not to fall asleep. I stay up most of the night with the lights on, impassively staring at my phone. I even slap myself whenever I feel my eyes cautiously closing, I don’t know what to do anymore. I drink coffee; so much coffee and I’m not proud but I even do drugs just to stay awake, the nightmares; I can’t handle them anymore.

My skin crawls from the thought of that ‘thing’, at this point I’m not even too sure what’s real; I haven’t slept in three days and I can feel my mind wandering, the room spinning as shadows some how dance on my walls, you see the nightmare doesn’t happen when I’m asleep, rather it begins when I awake, those first few seconds of me opening my eyes, is when I see ‘it’, it likes to watch me sleep.

Thanks for reading! :)

If you like what you read check out my YouTube channel where I do my best to bring my stories to life through narration and a gripping soundtrack.

Copyright Adan Mendez (all rights reserved)



Adan Men

If horror is your jam then my stories will have you on the edge of your seat, get ready to be enthralled into the world of the unexpected and unusual.