A Writers nightmare
It stares at me, I try to stare back but I find myself intimidated. Conquered by a stronger foe. I turn away hoping for solace; nothing is achieved. Instead i walk away with regret and anxiety. It’s almost pernicious as I try to engage in other affairs, I work out; shower; make dinner; talk with friends; I begrudgingly try to occupy my mind with everything the world has to offer. Nothing seems to distract from the reality of this beast. I’m filled with heavy breathing, last resort I turn on the TV. The mind numbing is remarkable and soothing, my heart rate decreases. All thoughts begin to diminish; all worries dissipate into the void of nothingness and I finally feel the immense pleasure of relief. My soul gradually drifts into the divine existence of sleep as my consciousness entertains me with short films drafted by my dreams. I awake; body well rested but my mind exhausted. Gathering my thoughts I get up and sit at my computer and look at the screen. There it is, the feeling of dread as i see the blinking cursor. No words have been typed; no thoughts have been manifested and I am terrified.
Thanks for reading.
(Copyright Adan Mendez. All rights reserved.)