“It is time”, the words where softly spoken to me while I was awakened from my deep slumber. Cultivating any bodily responses I cautiously opened my eyes to see who was speaking to me; to my surprise it was a police officer; he told me it was ‘time to leave’. I was disconnected to the situation not knowing where he came from or where I was. My body creaked with a every movement as I lifted myself up with utter remorse.
My eyes adjusting to the blazing sun I was able to focus in on my surroundings, I was outside in what seemed to be a park, a bit of a crowd was forming around me. I was inundated with heavy gazes from the surrounding patrons; whispers could be heard “maybe its his time”. Still dazed; casually frozen images of last night started to spindle throughout my mind, clashes of beer mugs and the scent of cigarettes filled my memories; what a night I told myself.
“Hey buddy, time for you to go” the officer told me this time with more intensity.
I didn’t have the energy to stand; for a brief second I humored the idea of crawling; it made me chuckle, I can only imagine what the onlookers thought.
“I’m giving you to the count of…”, I interjected before the officer could finish his sentence.