Member-only story
A scary story every week for my YT channel — My mother warned me to never lose weight, now I know why
I’ve always been the chubby kid, constantly being teased by my peers for how heavy was; I never really understood the big deal; I mean yeah I’m overweight but, whats that got to do with you and for that reason I was tormented everyday. Standing next to my classmates it was evident of my size, but, when I would go home, well, that’s where I would be the smallest; I come from a long line of let’s just say obese people. Every morning my mother would make her usual for me and my father, pancakes with mountains of sugar and syrup, only to follow up dinner with a meal just as gluttonous. This was an everyday occurrence and to be honest I loved it, I mean what kid doesn’t want to eat an endless serving of junk food. It wasn’t until my father became ill and started to lose weight did I even fathom the idea that we could be thin; that I could be thinner. For some reason my father being ill didn’t worry my mother, rather, it was the losing weight part that kept up at night concerned. She constantly would feed him infinite of amount servings while rejecting the prescribed medication that was given to him knowing that it would only suppress his appetite.
“You have to eat, you have to force” my mother would tell my bed ridden father as he gasped for oxygen.